Camp Bucca

 The Field Bucca, Iraq was a field of the prisoners (the enclosure in September, 2009) supported by the army of the United States in Umm Qasr’s environment, Iraq. They called to the installation initially the Field Freddy and it was used by the British forces when the Iraqi prisoners of war rested. The Brigade of the military police was taken by the military men of USA in April, 2003, and changed his name to the Field Bucca, after Ronald Bucca, a soldier of 800 ª. Ronald was also the city of New York of the Firemen that they died in the terrorist assaults of September 11.

After Abu Ghraib’s scandal, the abuse of the prisoners, great of the detenido was moved to the Field Bucca. The arrested they were lodged in the units of cement blocks by the ceilings of wood instead of the shops of campaign.  They organized and one administers his own classes in matters as the literacy and the religion. Also he competed in the matches of football. The cigarettes, the tea, and the opportunity to listen to the programs of radio and television were used as incentives for her well conduct.

Camp Bucca areal view and gate

Flags at Camp Bucca

Leisure activities at Camp Bucca

Insane rocket launcher at Camp Bucca

The installation has a hospital of USA Army of direction to serve the arrested. The integral attention of health offers on a base that the majority of the Americans do not have the access also.  Truth is that if you decide to survive a life of violence, then to resign all the rights. Maybe, if a politics in this level had been adopted then maybe rebels he would have thought two times before the commission of the crimes that were stopped for. Breaking the law this would put them in a prison in that that they would not allow him the God’s adoration, then maybe this leaves of the violence he might have been an arrested

About Richard Wilson

Military veteran who spent most if his active military career outside US and never made back and currently lives in Europe but still haven't lost passion about military forces.


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