Camp S D Butler

Body of Marinade Camp Base Smedley D. Butler (Butler or base of the sea-coast to the native ones) is a base of Marinade of The United States Body located in the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa. She was nominated for legendary Marina Smedley D. Butler.

The Camp Smedley Butler is actually a set of services and facilities satellites that arise along Okinawa. Camp Smedley Butler was called Camp or Fort Buckner, the General’s name of the Liberating Army Simón Bolívar Buckner, Jr., commander of the forces of land in the invasion of Okinawa and it was murdered in the last days of the battle. Buckner’s renaming produced Butler to after the majority of the troops of the Army of USA stopped of Okinawa, and the base was transferred to Marina’s Infantry.In addition, Marinade Corps Air Station Futenma (included the satellites Auxiliary Yomitan Aeródromo) and Allah Marina Enlace Kadena, while it does not form a part of the butler’s field complex, shares many resources with him. Other Marina’s facilities in Japan include Marinade Corps Air Station Iwakuni and Fuji Camp.

Camp S D Butler soldiers

Camp Butler k9 training

Main gate and entrance of Camp Butler

Sign of Camp Butler

Soldiers listening to speech at Camp Butler

This base has high control of Marina’s Body of Okinawa, the controls of all the Marina’s facilities in Okinawa, Japan and the continent, to include the camp Fuji and Marinade Corps Air Station, Iwakuni. The history of the Body of Marines from this Camp Base Butler actually began back in 1955, when he was in the camp Have near Camp Courtney. Nowadays, Butler’s field headquarters are in the Building 1, Camp Butler.

The majority of them- marines- belong to the Expeditionary Force III of Marinade, the MEF the IIIrd, with headquarters in Camp Courtney. The MEF the 3RD activates during the Second World war (1942), where Amphibious Sea-coast fought like strength. It was taking this name across Vietnam, after which it re-established in Okinawa in 1971.

About Richard Wilson

Military veteran who spent most if his active military career outside US and never made back and currently lives in Europe but still haven't lost passion about military forces.

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