Aviation Training Center

Facts About Aviation Training Center Alabama

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  • Phone: (251) 441-6861
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  • In 2008, the name Army Aviation Center of Excellence was assigned to the Fort Rucker military division. As the Army Aviation headquarter, a total of 36 individual units are situated on the premises with multi-missioned participants who are categorized as civilians, contractors and other military operatives. Other units would include multi-service and multi-command operatives.

    A specialized team of operatives are fully trained to execute assigned duties for integrating aviation service equipments in fighter jets and other units for the United States armed forces. The professionals trained in this establishment, are qualified to effectively maneuver the entire task individually assigned to teams. The individuals of this organization possess dominancy in the field, physically, mentally and spiritually committed to the Arm Forces and civilians worldwide that requires assistance.

    The establishment consist of 15, 700 tenants on a daily basis, which includes 3, 600 family members, 5, 000 uniformed individual, 7, 000 contracted employees and civilians. Once the projects are completed, deployment is structured with aviation teams assigned effectively to perform skilled services and management duties as scheduled.

    A total of three states containing a total of twenty-seven counties that covers land availability, airspace and a training field, for operatives that are trained professionally. There are seventeen stage fields, eighty-nine training sites situated in an area that is remote for five flight training and fuel point for arms forwarding.

    The participants in this program offer the best services in aviation on a wide scale, fulfilling the equipment needs for the United States armed forces. The individuals trained are internationally recognized as classified operatives in the field. The division effectively maintains the level of content for families, soldiers, retirees and soldiers.  Operatives will locate, remedy and demolish all enemies as needed. They will provide the necessary support services to coordinate specified operations.

    Plane in Aviation Training Center Alabama
    Aviation Training Center Alabama Front

    About Richard Wilson

    Military veteran who spent most if his active military career outside US and never made back and currently lives in Europe but still haven't lost passion about military forces.

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