Anniston Army Depot

Facts About Anniston Army Depot

The Alabama Anniston Army Depot was established in 1942 and is now stationed as a one of the United States weapon defense storage facility. The facility is situated on more than 25 square miles of foundation and was converted to accommodate the world’s Tank Rebuild Center. The maintenance facility can be located 90 miles East of Birmingham and Interstate 20 betwixt Atlanta, Georgia. The area is coupled by the Appalachian Mountains on the northeastern borders of Alabama.

The establishment is surrounded by lakes proportionate on 10 acres of land, woodland of 15, 246 acres of dynamic woodland. This development is well known for its adequate provisions in natural resources that is countless and is also one of the most distinct of all army bases in the United States.

This facility is the only specialized unit that provides maintenance for both light and heavy structured combat vehicles and equipments. Specialized personnel’s are disposition across the world providing repairs and service assistance to war fighters. These experts provide assistance with all the necessary battle and combat repairs both aboard and home.

Equipments such as small ammunitions, crew-served weapons, vehicles and armed combat weapons are being repaired by certified professionals from this unit. Chemical missiles and ammunitions are stocked in storage until demilitarization. The weapons secured in this facility are weapons of mass destruction that are highly classified. On a regular basis 2, 000 individuals are deployed to engage in action with the weapons provided and maintained by this specialized unit.

Duties for employees are scheduled by the commanding officer in charge of the establishment. The participants in the program are fully trained to enforce effective battle strategies during deployment. There are 6,716 employees, employed under strict management and ready to engage in classified task specified. The pit crew is efficient in their areas of command and will provide security defense in a time of crisis.

Military car in Anniston Army Depot Alabama

About Richard Wilson

Military veteran who spent most if his active military career outside US and never made back and currently lives in Europe but still haven't lost passion about military forces.


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